1st Year, MCA

Database Management Systems Lab Syllabus for MCA 1st Year 2nd Sem R19 Regulation JNTUH

Database Management Systems Lab detailed Syllabus for Master of Computer Applications(MCA), R19 regulation has been taken from the JNTUH official website and presented for the students affiliated to JNTUH course structure. For Course Code, Subject Names, Theory Lectures, Tutorial, Practical/Drawing, Credits, and other information do visit full semester subjects post given below. The Syllabus PDF files can also be downloaded from the universities official website.

For all other MCA 1st Year 2nd Sem Syllabus for R19 Regulation JNTUH, do visit MCA 1st Year 2nd Sem Syllabus for R19 Regulation JNTUH Subjects. The detailed Syllabus for database management systems lab is as follows.

Course Objectives:

For the complete Syllabus, results, class timetable, and many other features kindly download the iStudy App
It is a lightweight, easy to use, no images, and no pdfs platform to make students’s lives easier.
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Course Outcomes:

  1. Design database schema for a given application and apply normalization
  2. Acquire skills in using SQL commands for data definition and data manipulation.
  3. Develop solutions for database applications using procedures, cursors and triggers

List Of Experiment:

  1. Concept design with E-R Model
  2. Relational Model
  3. Normalization
  4. Practicing DDL commands
  5. Practicing DML commands
  6. Querying (using ANY, ALL, IN, Exists, NOT EXISTS, UNION, INTERSECT, Constraints etc.)
  7. Queries using Aggregate functions, GROUP BY, HAVING and Creation and dropping of Views.
  8. Triggers (Creation of insert trigger, delete trigger, update trigger)
  9. Procedures
  10. Usage of Cursors

Text Books:

For the complete Syllabus, results, class timetable, and many other features kindly download the iStudy App
It is a lightweight, easy to use, no images, and no pdfs platform to make students’s lives easier.
Get it on Google Play.

Reference Books:

  1. Database Systems design, Implementation, and Management, Peter Rob and Carlos Coronel 7th Edition.
  2. Fundamentals of Database Systems, Elmasri Navrate Pearson Education
  3. Introduction to Database Systems, C.J.Date Pearson Education
  4. Oracle for Professionals, The X Team, S.Shah and V. Shah, SPD.
  5. Database Systems Using Oracle: A Simplified guide to SQL and PL/SQL,Shah,PHI.
  6. Fundamentals of Database Management Systems, M. L. Gillenson, Wiley Student Edition.

For detail Syllabus of all other subjects of Master of Computer Applications 1st Year, visit MCA 1st Year Syllabus Subjects.

For all MCA results, visit JNTUH MCA all years, and semester results from direct links.

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