Basic Mechanical Engineering for Civil Engineers detailed syllabus for Civil Engineering (CE), 2nd Year 2nd Sem R18 regulation has been taken from the JNTUH official website and presented for the B.Tech students affiliated to JNTUH course structure. For Course Code, Subject Names, Theory Lectures, Tutorial, Practical/Drawing, Credits, and other information do visit full semester subjects post given below. We make sure the result links and syllabus uploaded here is latest and up to date, also the syllabus PDF files can also be downloaded from the universities official website.
For Civil Engineering (CE) 2nd Year 2nd Sem R18 Regulation Scheme, do visit CE 2nd Year 2nd Sem R18 Scheme. The detailed syllabus for basic mechanical engineering for civil engineers is as follows.
Basic Mechanical Engineering for Civil Engineers Subject Syllabus for CE 2nd Year 2nd Sem R18 Regulation
Course Objectives:
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Course Outcome:
At the end of the course Student will able
- To understand the mechanical equipment for the usage at civil engineering systems,
- To familiarize with the general principles and requirement for refrigeration, manufacturing,
- To realize the techniques employed to construct civil engineering systems.
Machine Elements: Cams: Types of cams and followers
Introduction to engineering materials-Metals, ceramics, composites-Heat treatment of metals Riveted joints- methods of failure of riveted joints-strength equations-efficiency of riveted joints -eccentrically loaded riveted joints.
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Energy: Power Generation: External and internal combustion engines (layouts, element/component description, advantages, disadvantages, applications).
Refrigeration: Mechanical Refrigeration and types – units of refrigeration – Air Refrigeration system, details and principle of operation -calculation of COP
Modes and mechanisms of heat transfer – Basic laws of heat transfer -General discussion about applications of heat transfer.
Manufacturing Processes: Sheet Metal Work: Introduction – Equipments – Tools and accessories -Various processes (applications, advantages / disadvantages).
Welding: Types – Equipments -Techniques employed -welding positions-defects-applications, advantages / disadvantages – Gas cutting – Brazing and soldering.
Casting: Types, equipments, applications
For the complete Syllabus, results, class timetable, and many other features kindly download the iStudy App
It is a lightweight, easy to use, no images, and no pdf platform to make students’s lives easier.
- Kumar, T., Leenus Jesu Martin and Murali, G., Basic Mechanical Engineering, Suma Publications, Chennai, 2007
- Prabhu, T. J., Jai Ganesh, V. and Jebaraj, S., Basic Mechanical Engineering, SciTech Publications, Chennai, 2000.
- Hajra Choudhary, S.K. and Hajra Choudhary, A. K., Elements of Workshop Technology Vols. I & II, Indian Book Distributing Company Calcutta, 2007.
- Nag, P.K., Power Plant Engineering, Tata McGraw-Hill, New Delhi, 2008.
- Rattan, S.S., Theory of Machines, Tata McGraw-Hill, New Delhi, 2010.
For detailed syllabus of all the other subjects of B.Tech 2nd Year Civil Engineering (CE), visit Civil Engineering (CE) 2nd Year Syllabus Subjects.
For results of Civil Engineering (CE) 2nd Year 2nd Sem R18 Regulation, visit CE 2nd Year 2nd Sem R18 Regulation results direct link.