4th Sem, IT

4269: Web Application Development Lab KL Diploma Syllabus for IT 4th Sem 2015 Revision SITTTR

Web Application Development Lab detailed syllabus for Information Technology (IT) for 2015 revision curriculum has been taken from the SITTTRs official website and presented for the IT students. For course code, course name, number of credits for a course and other scheme related information, do visit full semester subjects post given below.

For Information Technology 4th Sem scheme and its subjects, do visit IT 4th Sem 2015 revision scheme. The detailed syllabus of web application development lab is as follows.

Course Outcomes:

On completion of this course the student will be able to :

  1. To develop simple programs using PHP
  2. To create web application programs using PHP
  3. To develop web database programs using PHP and MySQL
  4. To develop javaScript programs


CYCLE – I: PHP Basics

  1. To develop application programs using PHP
    1. Create a PHP program to print a string in PHP to an HTML paragraph
    2. Create a PHP program to print first 10 numbers, each number inside a paragraph
    3. Create a PHP program to print first 20 Fibonacci numbers as an unordered list
    4. Create a PHP program to create an indexed array in PHP and demonstrate the heterogeneous and dynamic characters of PHP array. (Create an array with details of a student like roll number, name, class, year, fee paid. Add new two elements after creating the array and print all elements in the array using while loop)
    5. Create Write a PHP program to create an associate array as like the above question and print all elements in the array with their associated names using a for-each loop inside an HTML table with each item in a row
    6. Create a PHP program to create a two dimensional indexed array that contains details of 5 students (roll number, Name, class, year, place etc) and print the details into an HTML table each student in a row using for-each loop

CYCLE- II: PHP Advanced

  1. To create web application programs using PHP
    1. Create a PHP program to create an array of timestamps and print the extracted information in format (day/month/year hours: minutes: seconds am/pm) into a table
    2. Create a PHP program to print timestamps into an HTML table list corresponding to dates given in an array using mktime() function
    3. Create a simple calculator using PHP
    4. Create a login form, validate the form on submit and check whether user has entered right username and password, the usernames and password should kept in an associate array
    5. Create a registration form with fields First name, last name, username, password, gender, district (select box), languages known (check box group), address, email. Validate the input and display the data user enters into an HTML table on the same page
    6. Create a program to upload image files into the server and moves it into a folder in the server. Also validate the image using rule – types( png,jpeg,gif) -10kb<size<200kb


  1. To develop web database programs using PHP and MySQL
    1. Create 3 PHP programs to demonstrate session operation. First program saves data into session, second displays the session data and third deletes it
    2. Create PHP programs to demonstrate cookie operations A program creates a cookie, second displays the data and third modifies it and fourth deletes it. Set the cookie for 60 seconds and demonstrate the auto expiry
    3. Create PHP program to perform login operation, check with username and password stored inside MySQL database
    4. Create PHP program to get data from a table contains some student data and print it into an HTML table
    5. Create PHP program to fill a select box with data fetched from the server
    6. Create PHP program to create a registration form with fields First name, last name, username , password, gender, district (select box), address , email and insert them into a table in the MySQL database

CYCLE- IV: JavaScript

  1. To develop javaScript programs
    1. Create a javaScript program to print a string into webpage
    2. Create a javaScript program to create an array and print the data into an unordered list
    3. Create a javaScript program to create a paragraph and change the text inside it when user clicks on it using attribute event method
    4. Create a javaScript program to create a simple calculator
    5. Create a javaScript program validate a login form on client side when user submits the form using attribute event method
    6. Create a javaScript program to change background colour of 10 paragraphs when user clicks on a button below it

For detailed syllabus of all other subjects of Information Technology, 2015 revision curriculum do visit IT 4th Sem subject syllabuses for 2015 revision.

To see the syllabus of all other branches of diploma 2015 revision curriculum do visit all branches of SITTTR diploma 2015 revision.

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