Physics Laboratory detailed syllabus for Mechanical Engineering (Mech) for 2023 regulation curriculum has been taken from the Anna University official website and presented for the Mech students. For course code, course name, number of credits for a course and other scheme related information, do visit full semester subjects post given below.
For Mechanical Engineering 2nd Sem scheme and its subjects, do visit Mech 2nd Sem 2023 regulation scheme. The detailed syllabus of physics laboratory is as follows.
List of Experiments:
Any SEVEN Experiments
- Torsional Pendulum-Determination of rigidity modulus of wire and moment of inertia of the disc
- Non-uniform bending -Determination of Young’s modulus of the material of the beam.
- Uniform bending-Determination of Young’s modulus of the material of the beam.
- Lee’s Disc Experiment – Determination of thermal conductivity of bad conductors.
- Viscosity of Liquids.
- Acoustic grating-Determination of the velocity of ultrasonic waves in liquids.
- Ultrasonic interferometer – determination of sound velocity and liquids compressibility
- Laser-Determination of the wavelength of the laser using grating
- Air wedge -Determination of the thickness of a thin sheet/wire
- Spectrometer-Determination of the wavelength of light using grating
- Michelson Interferometer -Determination of wavelength of the monochromatic source of light.
- Photoelectric effect – Determination of Planck’s constant
- Black body radiation (Demonstration)
- Melde’s string experiment – Standing waves.
- Forced and Damped Oscillations.
- Thermistor sensor
- Thermocouple sensor
- Hall effect determination of Hall parameters.
- Design LCR series and parallel circuit and estimation of the resonant frequency.
- Magnetic Hysteresis Loop tracer – determination of magnetic parameters.
- Four Probe Set up – determination of band gap/resistivity of a material.
– Determination of the width of the groove of the compact disc using laser.
– Estimation of laser parameters.
a) Optical fibre -Determination of Numerical Aperture and acceptance angle
b) -Determination of bending loss of fibre.
Course Outcomes:
Upon completion of the course, the students will be able
- To determine various moduli of elasticity, thermal properties of materials and viscosity of liquids
- To determine the velocity of ultrasonic waves in Liquids.
- To calculate and analyze various optical properties.
- To build and analyze the characteristics of mechanical vibrations and logic operation.
- To determine the desired electric and magnetic parameters of materials, semiconductors devices and sensors.
For detailed syllabus of all other subjects of Mechanical Engineering, 2023 regulation curriculum do visit Mech 2nd Sem subject syllabuses for 2023 regulation.
For all Mechanical Engineering results, visit Anna University Mech all semester results direct link.